Page 10 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 10

Five Young Masterminds from Telangana

                participates in ISRO YUVIKA 2022

           xploration, Discovery, Invention,  Programme to teach the basics of space
           and  Innovation  in  Science  and  technology, space science, and space ap-
       ETechnology are instrumental to the  plications with a preference to schools in
       progress of India.To make India self-effi-  rural areas. The programme aims at cre-
       cient and self-reliant, the young genera-  ating  awareness  about  the  emerging
       tion, who are reckoned as the change-  trends  in  Science  and  Technology
       makers, should get exposure to science  amongyoungsters.  The  annually  con-
       and technology in different ways. The De-  ducted programme welcomes applications
       partment of School Education, Telangana,  from students all over India and selects a
       strongly believes that a country’s scientific  few from each state based on a well-de-
       progression is possible only when its stu-  fined criterion.
       dents are scientifically carved right from  YUVIKA 2022, a two-week residential
       the school years. In realizing the need to  programme, was held from May 16 - 28,
       foster school children in science and tech-  2022at National Remote Sensing Centre
       nology, the schools in Telanganaencourage  (NRSC), Hyderabad. A total of 153 stu-
       students to actively take part in science  dents  were  selected  this  year  from  28
       related activities such as science fairs,  states and eight Union Territories, out of
       Olympiads, science exhibitions, and other  which 5 were from Telangana.The pro-
       prestigious competitions and programmes  grammefeatured guest lectures, experi-
       that are designed to cultivate an interest  ence sharing from distinguished scientists,
       in science and technology,     facilityand lab visits, discussions with ex-
        Indian Space Research Organisation  perts, practical and feedbacksessions etc.
       (ISRO)  is  organising  a  programme  for  Feedback about YUVIKA 2022from the
       school children named YUVIKA (YUva  five participants from Telanganais pre-
       VIgyaniKAryakram)or  Young  Scientist  sented below.
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15