Page 15 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 15

alert the nurse to change the saline  Half Sun- indicates morning (after  ticket Bus Travel' with the support of
       bottle. Simultaneously, the LED light  breakfast).     his friends K Anshul Reddy, Arvind
       blinks. Sharmila M faculty, Depart-  Full sun- indicates mid-day (After-  Reddy, and K Shiva Kumar, and sub-
       ment of Science, guided the students  noon- after lunch).  sequently  with  the  help  of  A.Ma-
       throughout the project.      Moon and star - indicatesnight.  matha,  School  Assistant  (Physical
       Telangana Model School       Later,  another  idea  entered  the  Science) at ZPHSKandugula, as his
       Dharmaram, Dharamaram      young  inventors'  minds:  why  not  guide.
                                                               The app 'E-ticket Bus Travel' was
                                  make this bag useful for blind people?
       Mandal, Peddapally District   When the girls wanted to add a new  created with the help of School Inno-
                                  feature to an existing one, they in-  vation Challenge (SIC) mentors. The
        G Shivani, a class 9 student, saw  stantly shared it with their guide who  passenger  can  download  the  app,
       many illiterate people in her vicinity  understood  and  was  familiar  with  which will launch a window with the
       unable  to  remember  or  read  the  braille. The braille script on the side  start and end timings, the start and
       dosage instructions for the medica-  of the signage was added by the stu-  destination locations, and the choice
       tions prescribed by the doctor to treat  dents with the help of the guide.  to pay for the ticket online. The bus
       their illness.This in mind, she started                driver will have access to the same
       formulating a solution. B Thamanna,  ZPHS Mulasala, Peddapally  app and will be able to check the pas-
       a student in class 9, connected to the  District       senger's information and the desti-
       issue and began to come up with so-                    nation after receiving a text message  firm with the bus driver that he/she
       lutions. After several days of exten-  To curb the lengthy queues at the  confirming the reservation.  got off the bus; if the passenger does
       sive thinking, Thamanna came up  bus ticket counter, the need to wait  The app will not only let the driver  not click 'YES,' the driver will call out
       with the idea of developing an "Eco-  for  the  bus  conductor  to  give  the  know whether all passengers have  the passenger's name when a RED
       friendly Medicine Timetable Bag".  ticket,  or  the  need  to  dig  through  boarded the bus, but alsoalso tell him  colour blink appears beside the pas-
        The   ‘Eco-friendly   Medicine  pockets for rupee coins or change, K.  whether the passenger has exited the  senger's name. Both passengers and
       Timetable  Bag’  have  pockets  on  Likhit came up with a solution con-  bus at the destination. The passenger  bus drivers will benefit from the 'E-
       which  morning,  afternoon,  and  venient for customers.He created 'E-  must click 'YES' on the app to con-  ticket Bus Travel'.
       evening  indicators  are  printed.
       These signs will help the illiterate to
       understand which medicine to take   I feel delighted to see youngsters com-  The state government strongly believes that reskill,
       when. As a result, one can mitigate  ing up with innovations to solve daily  upskill and newskill is the only factor that can con-
       the  side  effects  caused  by  taking  life problems. I strongly convey that  tribute to the nation’s growth. I am delighted to have
       medicines at the wrong time. They  UNICEF is always at the forefront to support  this event happening at a bigger level. Children in the primary
       developed this with the support of  these wonder kids and encourage them to take  and upper primary will have the curiosity to experiment and it is
       their  guide,  C  Shiva  Krishna,  for  the path of innovators rather than just being ob-  the teacher’s responsibility to identify their innovative minds
       which they received positive feed-  servers. We are glad to work in collaboration with  and guide them. It is the way forward to the development of in-
       back from the users.          the Telangana government which is supportive  quisitiveness, learning to discover, and exploring. When I was at
        Blue square indicates early morn-  and wishes to continue the cordial relationship  the Suzuki headquarters in Japan, I saw second and thirdgrade
       ing (Before breakfast - empty stom-  for the benefit of students.”  students inside the Suzuki Museum. The Museum features the
       ach).                           Sri. M. Murali Krishna, Child Protection Officer  idea composition and the making of cars, bikes, etc. At the view
                                                                        of 30 to 40 primary students gazing at the exhibits on display, I
                                                                        thought what the students of this age will understand about all
                                           Firstly, I would like to appreciate all the  of that. Out of curiosity, I asked one of the technical officers
                                           school heads and teachers for ensuring  there standing near the museum what these students are doing
                                           the continuity of education during the  there. He told me to observe them. Their curiosity to understand
                                     Covid-19 pandemic. Talking about this programme,  what is happening through the process of making a car as-
                                     the exhibits on display is a visual treat and the  tounded me. These little kids designed the toy car of their own
                                     projects are excellent solutions to real-time prob-  choice by following the given steps. It is one of the ways to cul-
                                     lems. The Chief Minister emphasizes the develop-  tivate design thinking in children at an early age.
                                     ment of young minds by making them think criti-  Children have innate qualities like curiosity, inquiry, intellec-
                                     cally and innovatively and becoming familiar to  tuality, and brainpower, and all of that can be effectively used
                                     technology. On the behalf of the Telangana govern-  to become an entrepreneur. There is a need for entrepreneurs
                                     ment, I extend my hearty congratulations to all  rather than job seekers. The country’s development relies on in-
                                     participants and wish the teachers to continue to  ventions and innovations. I request the parents and teachers to
                                     bring out the innovative talent from every student.”  encourage children toward research and entrepreneurship for
                                       Smt. Sabitha Indra Reddy, Honourable Minister  the country’s good.
                                                      of Education, Telangana  Sri. KT Rama Rao, Honourable Minister of IT, Municipal & Panchayat Raj

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