Page 13 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
P. 13

Aneboina Bhavani with her guide teacher Kota Naveen Kumar
           A. Bhavani with her guide Teacher Sri. Kota Naveen Kumar (Le ) and
                                                                     (Le ) and Dr. K. Ravikanth Rao Garu Professor, SCERT Telangana
               with Prof. Ranjith Ramadurai, Dean (Administra on) in the   in the 9th Na onal Level Exhibi on and Project Compe  on
            MENTORSHIP WORKSHOP 2022 at Indian Ins tute of Technology,    (NLEPC) 2022 under INSPIRE Awards-MANAK  Organised
                  Hyderabad, Telangana during 25th-26th April 2022.           at Delhi during 14-16 September , 2022
        participated  in  the  MENTORSHIP   eco-friendliness,  enabling  farmers  to   days. Moreover, millers were charging
        WORKSHOP  2022  at  the  Indian     process millets at their doorstep, thus   more than Rs 10 per kg for processing,
        Institute  of  Technology,  Hyderabad,   increasing their profits and promoting   which  significantly  ate  into  the
        conducted  by  the  Department  of   millet cultivation.                 profits,  leaving  the  farmers  with
        Science  &  Technology,  National                                        empty pockets. Many farmers ended
        Innovation Foundation-India, and IIT   Edusure: What inspired you to create   up with unprocessed millets at home,
        Hyderabad.                          the "Mobile Millets Processing Unit"?  and this situation was disheartening.
                                            Bhavani:  Many  farmers  are  eager  to   Witnessing this, I felt compelled to do
        Edusure: That's a remarkable journey.   cultivate  millets,  but  the  lack  of   something  to  support  our  farmers,
        How did your guide teacher help you   processing  units  forces  them  to  sell   who were willing to cultivate millets
        during this project?                raw  produce  and  buy  processed    but  were  deterred  by  the  lack  of
        Bhavani: My guide teacher, Sri. Kota   products,  leading  to  minimal  profits.   processing units and high costs. So, I
        Naveen  Kumar,  provided  invaluable   Some  even  transport  their  organic   developed  an  eco-friendly  machine
        support.  He  not  only  assisted  in   produce  to  mills  for  processing,   called the "mobile millets processing
        completing the project prototype with   incurring high labor and expenditure   unit at the farmer's doorstep."
        the  desired  output  but  also  offered   costs. This situation adversely affects
        technical guidance.                 millet cultivation. My project aims to   Edusure: That's a great initiative. Can
        His encouragement to think critically   address these challenges.        y o u   a l s o   t e l l   u s   a b o u t   o t h e r
        and pursue innovation was pivotal. His                                   applications of your project?
        unique  approach  to  teaching  and   Edusure:  That's  a  noble  cause,   Bhavani: Certainly. This project is not
        learning was a great influence.      Bhavani.  Can  you  tell  us  what   limited to millets alone; it can also be
                                            motivated  you  to  develop  this    used  for  processing  pulses,  rice,  and
        Edusure: Can you tell us more about   innovative project?                more. By promoting the cultivation of
        your project and its significance?   Bhavani:  Certainly.  In  2018,  India   millets  through  low-cost  processing,
        Bhavani:  My  project,  the  "Mobile   celebrated it as the year of Millets, and   it  encourages  organic  farming
        Millets  Processing  Unit  at  Farmer's   the  government  was  encouraging   practices  and  enables  farmers  to
        Door  Step,"  is  designed  to  promote   farmers  to  cultivate  millets.  In  our   attain  higher  profits.  This,  in  turn,
        m i l l et   c u l t i v a t i o n   t o   c o m b a t   region,  including  my  father,  some   leads to an increase in the cultivation
        malnutrition  and  enhance  farmers'   farmers  were  actively  engaged  in   of crop millets.
        profits.  Millets  are  rich  in  essential   millet farming. However, they faced a
        nutrients  and  promoting  their    significant  challenge  –  the  nearest   Edusure:  Thank  you,  Bhavani,  for
        production has social, nutritional, and   processing  unit  was  over  100   sharing  your  journey  and  future
        environmental benefits. The project's   kilometers  away,  and  the  waiting   aspirations with us. We wish you all
        unique  feature  is  its  portability  and   period for processing was around 5 to 6   the best in your endeavors.

                     "INDIA CELEBRATED 2018 AS THE YEAR OF MILLETS".

                            "INTERNATIONAL  YEAR OF MILLETS, 2023".

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