Page 8 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
P. 8

government  students.  One  of  the
        outstanding  students,  Bakki  Kavitha,
        became  the  pride  of  the  school  by
        achieving the Second Rank in her Inter
        First year at the state level. Since 2017,
        the  class  8  students  have  collectively
        earned  43  NMMS  Scholarships,  a
        remarkable achievement attributed to
        the dedication of the teaching staff and
        the commitment of the students.
               Mr.  Gampa  Ashok  Kumar's
        exceptional  leadership  as  the  Head
        Master has garnered recognition from
        esteemed organizations such as Lions
        Club,  Rotary  Club,  and  Vasavi  Club,
        who have been consistently extending
        support  to  the  school  and  supplying
        study materials to the students for the
        past seven years.
               In  a  significant  contribution
        t o   t h e   s c h o o l ,   N R I   P r o f e s s o r
        Rajasekhar Reddy established a Digital
        Classroom in 2015, further enhancing
        the educational resources available to    NCC cadets at the camp with NCC Airwing officer, Mr. K Sandeep Kumar.
        our  students.  Additionally,  he
        generously  provided  free  tailoring
        training classes for the benefit of the
        girl students.
               Year  after  year,  generous
        donors  have  been  contributing  to
        charity programs, tailored to meet the
        specific  needs  of  the  school  and  its
        students.  Notably,  Nestlé  and  Tata
        collaborated  to  construct  three
        modern  toilets  exclusively  for  girls,
        improving  the  school's  facilities  and
        ensuring  a  more  conducive  learning
               As the Associate NCC Officer,
        K.  Sandeep  Kumar,  S.A.  Physics,  has
        been instrumental in introducing the
        NCC  Air  Wing  to  the  school.  His
        dedication and hard work have enabled
        NCC Cadets to actively participate in
        both  State  and  National  Level  NCC
        Programs.  Under  his  guidance  and   Students victorious moment at Chiguru, A district level Compe  ons organised by
        training,  the  school  currently  hosts   Youth for Seva, Warangal
        two  NCC  batches,  and  these  cadets
        have excelled in various NCC activities.     Sri  M  Bhoopal  SA  Social   individuaised guidance and counselling
               M.  Bhuvanakruthi  notably   conducted  Mock  polling  to  know  the   is  given  from  time  to  time.  Every
        participated  in  the  Pre-RDC  Camp,   Election process to the students.  Curricular & Co- curricular transaction
        s h o w c a s i n g   a   h i g h   l e v e l   o f      Mr.  Gampa  Ashok  Kumar   has  been  made  with  all  academic  zeal
        commitment  and  skill.  Additionally,   Head Master shared to Edusure. “The   and  enthusiasm.  The  School  has  been
        Vigneshwar  Singh  and  Sai  Charan   Staff,   SMC and   Chairman Sri Bandla   providing  all  the  Student  Support
        participated in the All India Trekking   Surender have been working together   Services and Student friendly ambiance
        Expedition  in  Idukki,  Kerala,  while   for the Progressive and result oriented   is established. It’s catering to the needs
        Akshay and Rithwik Charan took part   achievements  of  the  Students   of  middle  and  lower  middle  class
        in the All India Trekking Expedition in   throughout with their untiring efforts   Students  and  making  their  future
        Belagavi  Trek,  Karnataka.  These   and dedication. We have been working   brighter. Smt D Vasanthi Garu District
        achievements  are  a  testament  to  the   hard for the all around development of   Educational Officer, Warangal visit the
        dedication  and  leadership  of  K.   the  Students.  Every Student  has  been   school taking initiation towards Mana
        Sandeep Kumar and the NCC cadets.   nurtured  with  utmost  Care  and   Basthi ManaBadi Works”

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