Page 5 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
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classrooms,  mostly  in  the  verandah   the  children  in  conducting  different
        facing the ground. Children have the   programs  for  various  occasions.
        flexibility to use any room to perform   During these interactions, the children
        their  activities  in  turn.  The  School   are  divided  into  groups  and  assigned
        Radio operates in all three languages:   various  tasks  such  as  interviews,
        Telugu,  Hindi,  and  English.  The   sharing innovative ideas, role-playing,
        students  engage  in  a  variety  of   conversations,  and  program  hosting.
        activities,  including  sharing  their   T h e   s e c o n d   g u i d e   t e a c h e r   i s
        innovative  ideas,  jokes,  school   responsible  for  running  the  School
        announcements,  famous  quotations,   Radio  during  lunchtime,  either  on  a
        and  reciting  self-composed  poems,   daily or alternate-day basis. The skills
        among other creative endeavors. Each   and  knowledge  acquired  during  the
        section  from  every  class  takes  turns   training  and  interaction  sessions  are
        performing  these  activities  with  the   put into practice during the lunchtime
        guidance of their teachers. As part of   broadcasts  from  the  School  Radio
        the  School  Radio,  the  students  also   Cabin.
        conduct  interviews  with  guests  and   Notably, the School Radio program has
        higher  officials  who  visit  the  school   achieved national recognition and was
        including  the  District  Education   featured on the national news website,
        Officer (DEO) and the Zilla Parishad
        Chief Executive Officer (ZP CEO). In
        addition  to  these  activities,  the
        students take the initiative to organize                      School Radio
        various  programs  throughout  the
        academic year.                                 link
        The School Radio program is overseen          h ps:// happening/
        by  Sri.  Cherala  Thirupathi  and  Sri.
        Enjapuri Venkatramulu, who serve as             2021/sep/01/zill a-parishad-school-in
        guide teachers. The first guide teacher      telangana-school-radio students-23667.html
        conducts interactive sessions to train

                                       Students interviewing the officials for School Radio.

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