Page 7 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
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has continued ever since. Over its 58-
        year  history,  this  educational
        institution  has  achieved  several
        significant  milestones.  There's  no
        doubt  that  this  institution  deserves
        credit  for  making  college  education
        more  accessible,  especially  for  girls
        who  had  previously  completed  only
        their  school  education.  It  has  truly
        been  a  blessing  for  girls  aspiring  to
        pursue  higher  education  and  fulfill
        their educational career aspirations.
               Despite  facing  numerous
        challenges  and  experiencing  various
        ups  and  downs,  this  Telugu  medium
        school,  with  an  initial  enrollment  of
        140 students, successfully transitioned
        to an success school in 2008, resulting   Passing of Resolu ons in SMC Mee ng Sri Bandla Surender, chairman SMC GHS Krishna Colony
        in  a  remarkable  increase  to  320
        students. Teachers went the extra mile   students.  This  school  has  achieved   challenges  posed  by  the  COVID-19
        by  visiting  families  door-to-door  and   numerous  milestones,  excelling  not   pandemic  in  the  2021-22  academic
        persuading  parents  to  enroll  their   only in terms of enrollment but also in   year,  the  school  defied  the  odds  and
        children, leading to a significant rise in   curricular  and  extracurricular   created a sensation by achieving Four
        admissions  within  just  three  to  four   activities.                 1 0   G P A s   i n   t h e   S S C   P u b l i c
        years. By 2018, the school underwent a                                  Examinations,  a  feat  that  no  other
        complete  transformation,  with  the   The Progressive Achievements of   government-owned school in the state
        Telugu  medium  being  entirely                 the School:             could match that year.
        replaced  by  a  fully  English  medium      In the 2018-19 academic year,      T h i s   o u t s t a n d i n g
        curriculum, now accommodating 330   it achieved a perfect 10 GPA with a 100   accomplishment  now  stands  as  a
        students.  As  of  September  2023,  the   percent  pass  rate  in  the  SSC  Public   record in the school's history. Further
        school's enrollment has surged to 425   Examinations, setting a high standard   more, the school's commitment to its
                                            for  academic  excellence.  Despite  the   students'  future  extends  beyond  the
                                                                                academic  realm.  Seven  students  have
                                                                                secured  seats  in  the  Sri  Medha
                                                                                Charitable  Trust-sponsored  Free
                                                                                Education  program  for  Intermediate
                                                                                and  Degree  levels  at  the  state  level,
                                                                                underscoring  the  school's  dedication
                                                                                to  providing  opportunities  for  higher
                                                                                education. These achievements reflect
                                                                                the school's unwavering commitment
                                                                                to excellence and the bright futures it
                                                                                paves for its students.
                                                                                        At  BASARA  IIIT,  the  school
                                                                                has proudly secured three seats and an
                                                                                additional four seats in Free Corporate
                                                                                E d u c a t i o n ,   e s t a b l i s h i n g   n e w
                    Mock Elec ons at Govt High School Krishna Colony            benchmarks  in  the  performance  of

               NMMS Selected students for the year 2022-23 appreciated by District Educa on Officer Smt D. Vasanthi Garu
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