Page 12 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
P. 12

Aneboina Bhavani felicitated by Mrs. Pamela Satpathy Garu (Le )
                                                        honourable District Collector and District Magistrate Yadadri- Bhongir Dist.

                 Innovating for the Future

                  e  have  the  privilege  of
                  speaking  with  Aneboina
        wB h a v a n i ,   a   y o u n g
        innovator  student  at  the  Telangana
        State  Model  School,  Bomma-
        laramaram. She shares her remarkable
        journey  in  the  world  of  grassroots
        innovation.  Her  innovation,  the
        "Mobile  Millets  Processing  Unit  at
        Farmer's  Doorstep,"  is  not  only  a
        testament to her ingenuity but also a
        heartfelt  response  to  the  challenges
        faced  by  farmers  in  her  region.
        Bhavani's commitment to addressing
        real-world issues and her dedication to
        making a difference is truly inspiring.
        Join us as she shares her experiences,
        motivations, and aspirations.
                                            Edusure:  That's  great  to  know.  Can   Edusure:  Impressive!  What  are  your
        Edusure:  It's  a  pleasure  to  have  you   you tell us about the project that was   achievements related to this project?
        with  us,  Bhavani.  Can  you  start  by   selected for nationals?      Bhavani:  I'm  proud  to  say  that  my
        telling us a bit about yourself?    Bhavani:  Certainly.  While  I  was  in   project was selected as one of the Top 14
        Bhavani: Thank you for having me. I'm   Class  X,  I  participated  in  the  9th   ideas  for  the  State  level  INTINTA
        Aneboina  Bhavani,  hailing  from   National Level Exhibition and Project   INNOVATION AWARDS. Additionally,
        Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri  District  in   Competition held in New Delhi from   I  participated  in  the  District  Level
        Te l a n g a n a ,   s p e c i fi c a l l y   f r o m   September  14-16,  2022.  My  project,   National  Science  Day  2022  and  was
        Telangana  State  Model  School  in   "Mobile  Millets  Processing  Unit  at   appreciated  for  my  contribution
        Bommalaramaram.  My  family         Farmer's  Door  Step,"  was  developed   towards  "Integrated  approach  in
        consists of my father, A. Kumar, who is   under  the  guidance  of  Sri.  Kota   Science  &  Technology  for  Sustainable
        a farmer, my mother, Vani Sree, who is   Naveen  Kumar,  PGT  Chemistry  at   future."  I  was  also  felicitated  by  the
        a  homemaker,  and  my  brother,    T e l a n g a n a   M o d e l   S c h o o l ,   honorable  District  Collector.  I
        Karthik, who is in Class 3 at Malyala   B o m m a l a r a m a r a m ,   Ya d a d r i   participated  along  with  my  guide
        Village in Bommalaramaram.          Bhuvanagiri District.               teacher,  Sri.  Kota  Naveen  Kumar,

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