Page 15 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
P. 15

Parent Teacher interac on at ZPHS Kapra

        spaces  at  home,  among  others.  By   one-on-one  meetings  with  parents.   interests.  Furthermore,  teachers
        engaging  parents  in  their  child's   T h e s e   m e e t i n g s   s e r v e   a s   a n   provide  constructive  feedback  on
        progress,  the  school  seeks  to   opportunity for teachers to share the   areas  of  improvement,  along  with
        e m p o w e r   t h e m   t o   a c t i v e l y   child's  progress,  commend  good   necessary tips to support the child's
        p a r t i c i p a t e   i n   t h e   s c h o o l ' s   behavior,  and  discuss  the  child's   growth.
               Each  month,  a  sample
        agenda  is  provided,  which  can  be
        customized  by  Headmasters  and
        teachers to suit their specific context.
        During  thematic  PTMs,  teachers
        share ideas and tips relevant to the
        chosen  theme,  offering  valuable
        insights to parents and highlighting
        their  pivotal  role  in  their  child's
               Following  the  bimonthly
        thematic  PTMs,  teachers  conduct
        follow-up  meetings  with  parents  to
        assess  the  implementation  of
        suggestions  from  the  previous
        month. These discussions cover the
        effectiveness  of  the  suggestions,
        challenges  faced,  and  any  progress
        observed. To ensure a more personal
        approach,  teachers  also  engage  in   A primary school teacher guiding parents to download the In nta chaduvula
                                            panta App to aid home learning
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