Page 16 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
P. 16

A Trailblazing Educator's Journey

                   of Excellence & Dedication


         Srujana science monthly magazine  (ar cles wri en by students)  was released by   educational journey didn't stop there.
                  D.E.O Hanumakonda Sri. K. Narayana Reddy Garu (middle)
                                                                                She  pursued  post-graduation  in
           n  the  realm  of  education,  there   dedicated her career to shaping young   Education,  Psychology,  Telugu,  and
           e x i s t   a   s e l e c t   f e w   w h o s e   minds  and  nurturing  a  love  for   Sociology,  along  with  a  Diploma  in
        Iunwavering  commitment  and        learning.                           Guidance  and  Counselling.  Her
        innovative  teaching  approaches  set      Her journey into the world of   commitment  to  academic  and
        them  apart  from  the  rest.  Velidandi   teaching  commenced  in  1989  when   pedagogical  growth  has  been  a
        Sumalatha,  a  Biological  Science   s h e   e m b a r k e d   o n   t h i s   n o b l e   constant throughout her career.
        teacher  at  ZPHS  Nachinapally  in   profession  at  the  tender  age  of  21.      Sumalatha's  impact  extends
        Warangal  District,  Telangana,  is   Armed  with  intermediate  and  TTC   beyond  her  own  classroom.  She
        undoubtedly one of these exceptional   qualifications,  she  embarked  on  a   serves as a State Resource Person in
        educators. With over three decades of   path  that  she  believes  is  a  lifelong   the  School  Education  Department,
        teaching  experience,  Sumalatha  has   journey  of  learning.  Sumalatha's   specializing in the development and
                                                                                curation  of  high-quality  e-content
                                                                                under the aegis of N.C.E.R.T CIET. She
                                                                                is  also  an  integral  part  of  the  State
                                                                                Resource Group in the CLIX project
                                                                                for S.C.E.R.T and holds the position of
                                                                                D i st r i c t   R e s o u r c e   Pe r s o n   i n
                                                                                A dolescence  Education.  Her
                                                                                connection  to  contemporary
                                                                                teaching trends remains strong as she
                                                                                actively  participates  in  training
                                                                                programs by N.C.E.R.T.
                                                                                        Research and innovation are
                                                                                integral  to  Sumalatha's  career.  She
                                                                                has  presented  research  papers  in
                                                                                Science  Seminars  conducted  by
                                                                                S.C.E.R.T  on  National  Science  Days.
                                                                                Sumalatha's contribution extends to
                                                                                the digital realm as well, as she was
                                                                                part  of  the  team  chosen  to  provide
                                                                                digital  content  for  the  DIKSHA
                                                                                project. Her role as a Subject Expert
                                                                                involved  creating  e-content  for
                                                                                challenging concepts and developing
                                                                                24  video  lessons  for  the  QR  code-
                                                                                based 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade science
               Mrs. Sumalatha receiving Apprecia on Cer ficate for the programs   textbooks.
          organised by Kalpana Chawla Science club from Vigyan Prasar senior scien st       She does not merely stop at
                         Dr. Nakul Parashar and Dr. Aravind Ranade
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