Page 18 - EDUSURE- March-April-23
P. 18

Celebrating Innovation:

         SK. Faizan's Inspiring Journey

              at the G20 Education Event

              he  G20  Education  activities
              t h a t   t o o k   p l a c e   i n
        TBhubaneswar from April 23 to
        28,  2023,  under  the  coordination  of
        the  National  Skill  Development
        Corporation, featured an exceptional
        project by S K Faizan from Telangana.
        His  invention,  the  Crop  Protector,
        was  selected  to  be  showcased  at  the
        G20 Science Summit in India, where
        it garnered praise from scientists and
        delegates alike.
               B o r n   i n t o   a   m o d e s t
        agricultural  family,  S  K  Faizan
        witnessed  the  daily  struggles  his
        family faced in protecting their crops
        from  wildlife.  This  inspired  him  to
        devise  a  solution  that  would  aid  his
        father and alleviate their difficulties.
        Faizan ingeniously repurposed a 1.5-
        volt  D.C.  motor  from  a  soft  drink
        bottle,  combined  it  with  a  sound
        system on-off switch, and affixed it to a   Faizan with Minister Sri Hardeep Singh Garu (le ) of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Ministry
        steel plate to create a ringing bell. This   of Housing and Urban Affairs of Punjab, and Guide teacher Smt. P. Shobha Rani (right)
        bell was connected to a D.C. battery,   improved  his  invention  further.  He   to  ring  continuously  until  the
        set to ring whenever birds or animals   incorporated a solar plate to recharge   intruders  fled.  Faizan  went  a  step
        encroached on their fields.           the  D.C.  battery  and  integrated   further by installing red LED bulbs,
               Guided  by  his  mentor,  the   sensors  on  all  four  sides  to  detect   which  blinked  at  night  to  disorient
        dedicated  Physics  Teacher,  Smt.  P.   wildlife approaching the crops. These   animals and birds, keeping them away
        S h o b h a   R a n i   f r o m   Z P H S   sensors  transmitted  signals  to  a   from  the  crops.  Additionally,  he
        Gammadidala in  Sangareddy, Faizan
                                             central control board, causing the bell   installed a solar fence to safeguard the
                                                                                 fields during the day.
                                                                                        Despite  hailing  from  an
                                                                                 underprivileged Muslim community,
                                                                                 Fa i z a n ' s   d e t e r m i n a t i o n   a n d
                                                                                 innovative  thinking  shone  through.
                                                                                 His creation of the Crop Protector not
                                                                                 only brought joy to his father but also
                                                                                 allowed  Faizan  to  dedicate  his  free
                                                                                 time to personal pursuits, rather than
                                                                                 spending  entire  days  guarding  the
                                                                                 fields.  Faizan's  primary  and  high
                                                                                 school  education  took  place  in
                                                                                 government primary school, and Zilla
                                                                                 Parishath  High  Schools,  where  his
                                                                                creative ideas earned the admiration
                                                                                of his teachers.
                                                                                        Smt. P. Shobha Rani, Faizan's
                                                                                guide teacher and School Assistant in

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