Page 13 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 13

Honorable Minister of Education Smt. P. Sabitha Indra Reddy releasing the FLN Brochure  Director of School Education Smt. Sridevasena addressing at FLN Training Program at
        at TSIRD (Telangana State Institute of Rural Development) Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad  TSIRD (Telangana State Institute of Rural Development) Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad
       to develop appropriate skills to facil-  prescribed for their level.  and familiarize teachers with the var-  conducted from July 26 to July 28,
       itate  an  easy  transition  between  Capacity Building of Teachers:  ious  teaching  learning  material.  2022. Orientation  to  all  Urdu
       ECCE and grade 1 as suggested by                       Training also comparers Assessment  medium teachers was conducted in
       NCERT.                       Building  on  the  learnings  from  cycles  and  assessment  banks,  and  two spells at District level.
       Tholi Mettu (First Step)   FLN NISHTHA, state-wide in-per-  monitoring indicators that the par-
                                  son trainings for all the teachers on  ticipants would use over the course  Spell-1: 26 July to 28 July, 2022
        The learning crisis caused by the  FLN were conducted in the month of  of the intervention for self-reflection.  Spell-2: July 30 to August 1 and
       Corona epidemic for two years from  July.                                                August 2, 2022
       March 2020 has brought many chal-  All teachers teaching classes 1-5  Orientation of teachers on the
       lenges to the School Education. Con-  and HMs underwent the FLN orien-  usage of Teacher Handbook on  Mandal level training for all Tel-
       sidering  these  circumstances,  De-  tation. A three-level cascaded train-  Tholimettu (First Step) was   ugu / English medium teachers was
       partment  of  School  Education,  ing model (State Level, District Level  conducted in a cascade   conducted for 3 days in 2 spells @50
       Telangana has decided to conduct  and Mandal Level) was followed to               teachers per spell. If there are more
       'Tholi Mettu / First Step' program at  deliver the training, in which a thirty-  manner i.e., in State, District  than 150 teachers in a Mandal, the
       the  primary  level  in  the  state  of  member Resource Person Group at  and Mandal levels.   trainings  completed  in  four  (04)
       Telangana in partnership with 'Cen-  State level were involved in planning        spells.
       tral Square Foundation', a voluntary  and implementation of the training.  State Level Training conducted to
       organization for improving basic lin-  The training covered all aspects of  223 SRGs from 19 to 21 July 2022  Spell-1: July 30, 1 and 2 August 2022
       guistic & numeric competencies to  School Preparation Module, the over-  with four resource persons from Tel-  Spell-2: 3, 4 and 6 August 2022
       achieve class-wise learning outcomes  all scope of the FLN mission, strate-  ugu/ English medium and four re-  Spell-3: 8, 10 and 11 August 2022
       in  the  academic  year  2022-23.  gies to handle multi-grade and mul-  source persons from Urdu medium
       'Tholimettu' program will be a mile-  tilingual  classrooms,  classroom  per district. Orientation to Mandal  1 day orientation for School Com-
       stone in the advancement of quality  resource management, student be-  level resource persons at four per  plex Headmasters and Mandal Edu-
       education and all students will be  havior management, class instruc-  Mandal (one for each subject i.e., Tel-  cational Officers was conducted on
       able to achieve the learning outcomes  tion mapped to developmental goals  ugu, English, Mathematics, EVS) was  July 29 by Quality Coordinators.
                                                                                           Accordingly, the State Council of
                                                                                         Educational Research and Training,
                                                                                         Telangana has prepared model an-
                                                                                         nual, unit / lesson plans and daily pe-
                                                                                         riod plans for teachers, keeping in
                                                                                         view of their workload, for classes 1
                                                                                         to 5 for Telugu, English, Mathematics
                                                                                         and Environmental Science (EVS)
                                                                                         subjects in three media i.e., Telugu,
                                                                                         English and Urdu. Utilizing these, the
                                                                                         teachers are expected to make the
                                                                                         teaching  and  learning  processes
                                                                                         meaningful  for  their  respective
                                                                                         classes and motivate the children to
                                                                                         participate  actively  to  make  their
                                                                                         learning joyful.
                                                                                           All teachers were trained on a reg-
                                                                                         ular assessment model of “Assess-
                                                                                         ment informed instruction” with five
                                                                                         days of instruction followed by one
       Secretary, Director of SCERT and faculty of SCERT at inaugural session of State Level Trainings at TSIRD (Telangana State Institute  day of assessment, helping teacher
                               of Rural Development), Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad          improve their instruction and form-
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