Page 8 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 8

Sri. Srinivas Rao, Group Director, NRSC, Hyderabad explaining to Honorable Minister of Health and Finance Sri. T. Harish Rao Garu about SLV-2 ASLV, PSLV, GSLV,
                           GSLV mark.III launch vehicle models, satellite models, Chandrayaan and MOM models at Sangareddy

         ‘Space on Wheels’ Triggers Scientific

                         Temper Among Students

           s part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav,  It is a ground-breaking initiative to moti-
           an initiative by the Government  vate and inspire students to pursue ca-
       Aof  India  to  celebrate  and  com-  reers in this endlessly intriguing sector.
       memorate 75 years of India's independ-
       ence, the Indian Space Research Organ-  What is Space on Wheels?
       isation  (ISRO)  brought  ‘Space  on
       Wheels’, a mobile exhibition unit, to stu-  Space on Wheels, as its name suggests,
       dents to share knowledge and endearing  is a specially constructed bus that show-
       experiences.                  cases ISRO's expertise in creating launch
        National  Remote  Sensing  Centre  vehicles, satellites, and their applications
       (NRSC), Hyderabad, one of the major  to showcase India's vision of scientific ad-
       centers  of  ISRO,  in  association  with  vancements. The bus carries Models of
       SCERT and the Department of School  satellites  such  as  Chandrayan,  Man-
       Education,  reached  out  to  children  galayan, the SLV, ASLV, PSLV, and GSLV,
       across Telangana State to create aware-  communication, navigation, and remote
       ness about Space Science and Technol-  sensing satellites.
       ogy. Space on Wheels reached Sir C.V. Ra-  The students experienced the thrill of
       man Science Museum in Sangareddy on  being closer to different satellite models,
       19th July 2022 to celebrate the success  learned about India’s space activities and
       of (Satellite Launch Vehicle) SLV. The  deboarded the bus being impressed and
       program witnessed participation of 8900  proud of their nation’s accomplishments.
       students in two days.         They were also given a chance to interact
                                     with  Dr.  Srinivas  Rao,  a  scientist  and
       What is the objective of the program?  NRSC staff,about India’s space activities
                                     which was a rewarding experience for the
        Reminiscing the memories of the suc-  students.
       cessful launch of SLV-3 on 18th July 1980,  The program graced by Honourable
       which elevated India as the sixth Space  Minister of Finance and Health, Telan-
       Faring Nation in the world, ISRO scien-  gana State Sri. T. Harish Rao, District col-
       tists planned to make students aware of  lector  and  District  Magistrate  Dr.  A.
       the efforts that went into every launch and  Sharath, IAS Sangareddy, Prof. Suresh
       share the successful moments with them.  Babu, Shankaraiah, SCERT Hyderabad.

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