Page 12 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 12

First Step - olimettu

       Foundational Literacy And  cepts, make connections between
       Numeracy (FLN)             related ideas, and progressively ap-
                                  ply their understanding in new and
           very child looks to parents,  unfamiliar contexts.
           relatives, and other caretakers  Challenges
       Eas their first teachers in order
       to acquire the necessary abilities to  The National Policy on Education
       become  independent  and  enjoy  (NEP, 2020) highlights that various
       happy, healthy lives. The children of  governmental as well as non-govern-
       age group 3-9 are curious and en-  mental surveys clearly indicate that,
       quiring by nature, as they strive to  at the current time, we are in a severe
       explore and understand the world  learning crisis with respect to these
       around them. To address this curios-  most basic skills: a large proportion
       ity of children and instill a lifelong  of students, currently in elementary
       love of learning that prepares them  school have not attained foundational
       to enter the formal education on the  literacy and numeracy, i.e., the ability
       same level as their more fortunate  to read and comprehend basic text
       peer, sustainable literacy and nu-  and the ability to carry out basic ad-
       meracy skills are essential. Learning  dition and subtraction with Indian
       in  higher  classes  is  based  on  the  numerals. Numerous studies show
       foundational learning in the primary  that, in the current educational sys-
       classes. If the students don’t acquire  tem,  once  students  fall  behind  on
       the ability to read, write and perform  foundational literacy and numeracy,
       basic mathematical operations, they  they tend to maintain flat learning
       will not be equipped for the complex-  curves for years, perpetually unable
       ities of curriculum in higher classes.  to catch up. So many capable students
       The focus must be on providing ac-  have found themselves in this unfor-
       cess and retaining children in foun-  tunate black hole, unable to emerge.
       dational years of schooling, building  For many students, this has become
       the teachers’ capacity, development  a  major  reason  for  not  attending
       of high-quality teaching and learning  school, or for dropping out altogether.
       materials and addressing the needs  The National Achievement Survey
       of children in the foundational years.  (NAS)  –  2021  results  reveal  that
       Importance of Literacy and  around 70% of students are at mini-
       Numeracy                   mum level or below in the language
                                  acquisition. It seriously affects the
        Early literacy and numeracy skills  learning of students.
       are not only foundational for learn-  Therefore, the Ministry of Educa-
       ing but are correlated with greater  tion,  Government  of  India  has
       quality of life, personal well-being,  launched the National Initiative for
       national stability, prosperity and are  Proficiency in Reading with Under-
       critical for educational outcomes in  standing  and  Numeracy  (NIPUN  2026-27, as an immediate national  indeed forms the basis of all future
       later years. Strong literacy and nu-  Bharat)  mission  along  with  a  de-  mission. Students, along with their  learning.
       meracy help children to learn, ex-  tailed implementation guideline for  schools, teachers, parents, and com-  Role of CSF in FLN Mission:
       periment, reason and create, to be  the states to ensure that every child  munities,  must  be  urgently  sup-
       active and informed citizens, and to  in the country necessarily attains  ported and encouraged in every way  A Steering Committee has been
       contribute socially, culturally and  foundational literacy and numeracy  possible to help carry out this all-  constituted for developing and oper-
       economically. Lack of learning op-  (FLN)  by  the  end  of  Grade  3,  by  important target and mission, which  ationalizing a reform program to at-
       portunities during the early stages                                               tain foundational literacy and nu-
       of acquiring literacy and numeracy                                                meracy in Telangana on 14thOctober
       impede   children’s   academic                                                    2019. A system diagnosis has been
       progress and motivation, resulting                                                conducted to understand systemic
       in further lack of achievement.                                                   challenges impeding achievement of
       Vision                                                                            grade-level  competencies,  and  in-
                                                                                         formed reform design. Further, the
        The vision for foundational liter-                                               Department  also  partnered  with
       acy and numeracy therefore is to en-                                              Central Square Foundation (CSF) in
       able children to become independ-                                                 designing  a  program  to  improve
       ent and engaged readers and writers                                               foundational learning levels in the
       who  are  able  to  transition  from                                              state. The programme aims to take
       ‘learning  to  read’  to  ‘reading  to                                            an integrated systems approach to
       learn’ and from ‘learning to write’ to                                            improve Foundational Literacy and
       ‘writing for academic success and                                                 Numeracy in grades 1-3, along with a
       pleasure’. Children demonstrate an                                                3-month School Preparation Module
       understanding  of  numbers  and                                                   across Telangana. The School Prepa-
       knowledge  of  mathematical  con-        FLN Programme Roadmap for AY 2022-23     ration Module will support children

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