Page 11 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 11

NRSC Director Dr. Prakash Chauhan presenting a Memento to Smt. M.Radha Reddy Director, SCERT Telangana

                                                      water on the moon and an overview of  three consolation prizes were given to
                                                      Chandrayaan-2’s  launcher,  orbiter,  morally boost the other teams that par-
                                                      Vikram Lander and Pragyaan Rover was  ticipated.
                                                      given. The students were also presented  The programme was recorded by TSAT
                                                      with  a  welcome  kit  which  included  a  -TV channel, and a special lunch broad-
                                                      booklet on International Moon Day made  cast was provided for the benefit of stu-
                                                      by TEOG, an NRSC cap, a key chain with  dents of Telangana.
                                                      ISRO, and NRSC notepad.           The keynote address was delivered by
                                                        Around 300 booklets were distributed  Dr. Prakash Chauhan, NRSC Director,
                                                      to the students present. The students  followed talks by NGRO Scientist, Direc-
                                                      were also explained exhibits, models (like  tor, Associate Director, Deputy Directors,
                                                      PSLV, GSLV, PLV) and posters available  NCMC members, Controller NRSC, Sen-
                                                      at the facility. Presentation of ISRO cen-  ior  officials  and  NRSC  staff  members
                                                      ters and their activities, technological de-  along with students, teachers, visitors.
                                                      velopments  of  ISRO,  future  missions,  Dr. Prakash Chauhan’s talk was inspir-
                                                      satellite models related to orbit dynam-  ing and motivating to the students as he
                                                      ics, altitude, area coverage, receptivity of  gave  an  overview  of  the  moon  and
                                                      satellite coverage, swath, path and row  Launching. Smt. M. Radha Reddy, Direc-
                                                      concepts were also explained.   tor,  SCERT discussed the importance of
                                                        In addition, a quiz competition was  scientific education, space technology, re-
                                                      conducted in which thirty schools partic-  mote sensing and SCERT’s collaboration
                                                      ipated. The first round was qualifying  with the outreach facility at Jeedimetla.
                                                      round  wherein  all  schools  submitted  Dr.  Prakash  Chauhan  distributed
                                                      their answers online out of which only  prizes to the winners of the quiz compe-
                                                      the top six schools were selected. This  tition, which was held at ORF, Jeedimetla.
                                                      was followed by three rounds and a final  The event was successfully conducted
                                                      rapid-fire round. The top three schools  and closed with a vote of thanks to the
                                                      were selected for first three positions and  organizers.

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