Page 15 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 15

Dr. Voore Gurunadha Rao Bags

                                NCERT National Award

            r. Voore Gurunadha Rao bags
            NCERT National Award for
       DInnovative Practices and Ex-
       periments in Education for Schools
       and Teacher Education Institutions
       for the year 2021-22. Dr. V.G. Rao
       works as a Physical Science teacher
       at ZillaParishad High School, Kam-
       balapally, Mahabubabaddistrict.Dr.
       Rao  presented  a  research  paper
       Titled  “The  Effectiveness  of  ‘7E’
       Learning Cycle Model and Simula-
       tions on High School Students’:Un-
       derstanding  and  Motivation  in
       Physics Concepts” to the NCERT.
        In conversation with Edusure, Dr.
       Rao shared his happiness on winning
       the award.

       What motivated you to choose
       this topic?                What is 7E model?           learning process become a consider-  award for the year 2019-20 too.I par-
        Physics must be taught and learn                      ation  of  researchers  to  combine  ticipated in Young India for Biodi-
       in a very effective way. The effective-  ‘Electrical Current and Circuits in  learning models using computer me-  versity XI conference held at Hyder-
       ness of physics teaching may vary  Electricity’ unit is included in the  dia with the advantages of 7E Learn-  abad  (Conference  of  Parties  to
       with the style of teaching, methods  physical science curriculum for the  ing Cycle. Here in phases of 7E Learn-  Convention on Biological Diversity)
       being used in teaching, classroom  secondary grade of high school. In  ing  Cycle  we  applied  computer  in October 2012 organized by the
       management,  the  correlation  be-  this, one of the constructive learning  integrated with media in which there  Ministry of Environment and Forest,
       tween the teacher and the learners  approaches we used is 7E Learning  are activities and video simulations.  Government of India and Centre for
       and so on. To strengthen the teach-  Cycle.The lesson comprised of the            Environment Education.I also en-
       ing, learning and the education sys-  following phases: Elicit Engage, Ex-  What are your other  couraged and helped students to bag
       tem it is needed to implement some  plore, Explain, Elaborate, Extend and  achievements and contributions?  the Infosys travel award at the 100th
       innovative teaching practices which  Evaluate.                                    Indian Science Congress Kolkata and
       will further lead to social transfor-                   Besides professional functions, I  Bangalore.
       mations.                   Could you brief us on the role of  excelled in academics by attending  I take pride in inculcating scien-
                                  technology in this model? How  various national and international  tific temper among students and en-
       What is purpose of your study?   is it beneficial to students?  conferences in subjects Physics and  couraging them to participate at var-
                                                                                         ious  state  level,  national  and
                                                              Education and honed my subject and
        The purpose of this study is to de-                   teaching skills. I have a Doctorate in  international competitions. My stu-
       velop a new innovative method, 7E  7E  Learning  Cycle  facilitates  Education  and  submitted  90  re-  dent B. Madhu of class IX at Zilla
       Learning  Cycle-simulations  ap-  learners to actively construct their  search papers to various national and  Parishad  Secondary  School,  Par-
       proach based on the learning mate-  own concepts by interacting with the-  international conferences and my re-  vathagiri in Mahabubabad mandal
       rial  and  interactive  guidelines  for  physical and social environment. The  search papers and Articles were pub-  was selected for a National Level
       teachers, in the virtual laboratory en-  importance and influence of the tech-  lished in national and international  Competition on Climate Change or-
       vironment simulations.     nology, especially computer, in the  journals  and  selected  for  NCERT  ganized by the Ministry of Environ-
                                                                                         ment  &  Forests,  GOI.Bhanoth-
                                                                                         Madhu  received  the  award  from
                                                                                         former President of India, Dr. A. P.
                                                                                         J. Abdul Kalam on January 4, 2013.D.
                                                                                         Anjali of ClassIX at ZPHS at Kam-
                                                                                         balapally, Mahabubabad district also
                                                                                         received  the  prestigious  'Infosys
                                                                                         Foundation - ISCA Travel Award'
                                                                                         from Israeli scientist and Nobel Lau-
                                                                                         reate, Prof. Ada Yonath, at the 107th
                                                                                         Indian  Science  Congress,  Banga-
                                                                                         lore.The credit of encouraging 70
                                                                                         students and involving them in 14
                                                                                         projects that were presented at the
                                                                                         National  Children’s  Science  Con-
         B. Madhu receiving award from former President of India,   D. Anjali, receiving Infosys Foundation - ISCA Travel Award from Israeli  gress (NCSC) in the year 2008 also
         Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam at 100th Indian Science Congress.  scientist and Nobel Laureate, Prof. Ada Yonathat ISCA Bangalore.  resides with me.

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