Page 14 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 14

ative assessment-based teaching. A
       sample based state-wide baseline as-
       sessment was conducted to capture
       learning levels and progress of stu-
       dents. A sample of about 7000 chil-
       dren  from  Class  3  were  tested  in
       three  subjects  Telugu,  Maths  and
       English. The baseline assessment was
       conducted through an App known as

       State     District Mandal School
       Level     Level  Level  Level
       Minister  DEO  MEO   HM
       Secretary  DAMO Complex  SMC
       Commissioner DRG  CRP  Teacher
       & Director of

        A Mandal Nodal FLN Officer for
       each Mandal was selected and ap-
       pointed in implementation of the ac-
       ademic aspects at classroom level. A  the  Primary  &  Upper  Primary  primarily to be used in the domain of  Conclusion
       three-day residential training for all  Schools and High Schools which have  education globally. More than 1300  With all our efforts,
       Mandal FLN Nodal Officers was con-  classes I to V under his/her jurisdic-  Field  Investigators  from  various
       ducted to brief them on all the com-  tion.The Cluster FLN Nodal Officer  DIET colleges, B.Ed. colleges of all  initiations and
       ponents of FLN, Classroom Observa-  will visit Schools (2) days in a week  districts  of  Telangana  have  been  experiences, we strongly
       tion Tool as well as Spot Assessments.  andSchool Complex once in a month.  trained on the use of Tangerine App  believe  that achievement
       SCERT conducted orientation Spell-  Four Resource Teachers (in differ-  to collect data on student learning  of Universal Foundational
       1 from 25 to 27 Augustand Spell-2  ent subjects) from each School Com-  outcomes and it is accessible to all
       from 1to 3 September to Mandal FLN  plex will accompany the Mandal FLN  without internet connection. Around  Literacy and Numeracy is
       Nodal  Officers  of  all  Mandals  and  Officer and Cluster FLN Nodal Offi-  600  Mandal  FLN  Nodal  Officers  not far away, with
       Quality Coordinators on FLN Moni-  cer at the time of visit of School Com-  trained on the usage of Tangerine for  concerted,
       toring  Module.  602  mandal  FLN  plex on rotation basis.   collecting data on classroom obser-  institutiionalised and
       Nodal  Officers  and  1818  Cluster  Use of Tangerine App:  vations as well as for collecting data  coordinated efforts from
       Nodal  Officers  (School  Complex                        on  student  learning  outcomes
       HMs) and 257 MEOs of  602 mandals  A data capturing platform known  through spot assessments at mandal  all stakeholders in
       and Four Resource Teachers from  as  Tangerine  App  has  been  used  levels. More than 50 state officials  adopting an outcome-
       each School Complexwere trained for  widely in the state of Telangana for  were trained on the usage of Tanger-  focused vision for all
       monitoring.  The  School  Complex  both the baseline assessment as well  ine. Using technological applications  children of the state's
       HM shall act as Cluster FLN Nodal  as for classroom observations and  (Tangerine App) helps inreducing the
       Officer. He/She has to perform aca-  spot assessments. This is an applica-  burden of paperwork and in making  entire school system.
       demic monitoring including FLN in  tion created by RTI International,  data collection easier and reliable.

                         State Level Training for Mandal FLN Nodal Officers and Quality Coordinators at TSIRD, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad

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