Page 104 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 104

My Summer School Library

                 Name of the Head Master : Poreddy Ashok

                 School Name                       : ZPHS Koora
                 District                          : Adilabad

                 Phone Number                      : 8374916403, 9441473049

                 E-Mail ID                         :

             School History                                       Teachers of this school believe that

                                                             language plays a key role in learning and
                  Koora is a small village located 28        language skills that can be improved by

            km from district headquarters Adilabad           extensive reading & writing. Considering
            and 10 Kms from Mandal headquarters              this fact school has given utmost
            Jainad,       where       famous        Lord     importance for inculcating the reading

            Laxminarayana Swamy temple is located.           habit in students by strengthening library
            It is very near to Maharashtra state border      activities and organizing literary
            and river Penuganga which is just 5 kms          competitions.
            away.  More than 70 families belong to ST

            community reside in the village out of                HM concentrated on improving
            which 6 families belong to primitive tribal      learning abilities among the students and
            group KOLAM. People from other                   encouraged them to participate in various

            communities such as SC, BC, and OC also          competitions at Mandal, District, and State
            live here. Most of the parents can speak         Level. He took the initiative to inculcate
            both in Marathi and Telugu.                      reading habit in children focused

                    The trust between the parents and        attention on the Library. Involved parents
            the school was clearly visible in this           and school management committee in

            community being the reason that they are         school activities to remind their
            interested in the education of their             responsibility in the school development
            children. They also saw the efforts of the       and they donated Rs. 90000/- for coloring
            HM and the staff to make the students learn      the school building.  Teachers are

            and to get best out of them.                     encouraged to play an active role in

             92                         Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs
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