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them to return the books either on next          teachers and later over the phone. School

            Wednesday or Saturday between 8 am to            Management Committee Chairman
            10 am and take a new book at the school          M. Ashok has even extended his support
            premises. Students habituated to come to         in organizing this 'Summer Library', he not
            school every Wednesday or Saturday to            only visited the school in the morning

            return the book and to take a new book.          hours of Wednesday and Saturday as he
            This was monitored in the first week by          also does gardening.

             Paper clipping in Eenadu daily-Summer library

                  After reopening of school, library         Therefore it is planned to keep the school
            organizers collected books from students         library open during the summer vacation

            and handed over to the school library in         and the students were also permitted to
            charge Sri. P. Ramesh.  They were                take books to home if required.
            appreciated for their success in                      Thus 'Summer Library' enabled the

            organizing the 'Summer Library'.                 students in
            Teachers felt very happy for organizing

            such an innovative activity and decided to            •     Organizing things successfully.
            continue the tradition in the future as well.

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