Page 103 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 103

Mathematics and concentrated              •     Teaching through this method
                           on concepts like - identification/              might be helpful to students of

                           pronunciation and writing of                    ADHD, as there is a possibility
                           alphabets; counting/identifying                 of increasing their span of
                           and writing numbers from 1-20;                  attention.
                           and concepts like after                   •     This would  be more  effective

                           numbers, before numbers,                        in multi-grade teaching
                           between numbers, sequence
                           numbers only, so the effects              NOTE : After successful usage of

                           cannot be generalised and           interactive mobile applications for
                           justified.                          Mathematics, now we are using for
                                                               teaching other subjects like English and
                     •     The study was also limited to       Telugu also.
                           slow learners and the sample of
                           differently abled students          d. Pictures about the school :

                           was 1.
                     •     The number of mobile phones

                           required for this method would
                           be high as each student should
                           be able to get an opportunity to

                           work with it and learn

               Scope for further implications :

                     •     A suitable interactive mobile
                           application must be identified
                           for each subject for specific
                           content and also for students at

                           different levels of learning

                     •     This method of teaching can
                           also be extended to subject
                           areas like EVS, Science, etc.,

                       "It always gives me immense joy when I see these kids learning and exploring
                 the world through technology and gaining the knowledge"

                                                                  -  C. Umarani, GPS Lalaguda No.2

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