Page 99 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 99
• The academic growth of 2018-
19 was really appreciative in
terms of the handwriting and
the rate of attendance.
• Having this school publishing
the book of children literature
is one of the biggest achieve-
ments for the school.
• The school premises and the
atmosphere of the school is very
Major Learning's and welcoming and soothing to the
Achievements guests and the visitors as well.
During the process of School
Transformation based on the outcomes,
there was some learning that was observed.
They are as mentioned below:
• Every student is an embodiment
of diverse talents and capabili-
ties who needs to be recognized
and nurtured carefully.
• If exposure is provided in a
sufficient manner they can ex-
cel in the areas that the students
are interested in.
"The goal of providing all round development to the students has fulfilled
and the rate at which the students also started showing the change in them is also
appreciative and heartfelt thanks to everybody who came to the school and en-
couraged the work of the teacher and students as well".
- Panjala Venkateshwarlu Goud
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 87