Page 102 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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Some of the applications were Phase V : To evaluate the understand-
avoided which increased the temperature ing of students with the use
of the phone, some of which had difficult of applications, a mid-test
language and phonetic instructions. was conducted after
working days. She noticed
b. Role of the Teacher / Leader :
that almost all students,
Phase I : At the beginning of the especially the group of slow
academic year a base-line learners, performed well
test was conducted to assess and showed a positive rise
the performance of the of 15%-20% in the test.
students. c. Results / Outcomes :
Phase II : With the help of baseline It was noted after the mid-term
scores, a group of slow results that the students especially slow
learners / below average / learners, when frequently exposed to
group C students were learning through interactive mobile
identified. applications, tend to show a positive
Phase III : Based on the understanding performance in identifying alphabets and
levels of students, She numbers. It was also observed there were
exposed them to interactive increased levels of attention and also longer
mobile applications to attention spans among them.
enhance their abilities in Limitations:
learning Mathematical Though the study showed positive
concepts like counting, results and encourages usage of mobile
identification of small and phones for teaching, there are certain
big numbers, before limitations that I would like to bring
numbers, after numbers, attention to,
between numbers...etc.
• The study was limited to a small
Phase IV : The practice of using number of 4-5 students who
applications continued were supported by one teacher.
repeatedly in remedial Scaling up this study would
teaching hours alternatively bring in complications that need
in the afternoon session to be addressed
along with the regular • Study was also limited to two
subjects, English and
90 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs