Page 35 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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science, math, electronics, robotics, basic principles of constructing and
computer science - or just plain tinkering assembling of robots are learned as
around. This works towards the Atal practice at Robotic labs. These children
Tinkering Laboratories (ATL) mission of will learn and practice the various
creating one million neoteric child software like Geogebra, Robo Compass,
innovators in India by 2020. The Quiver, Photomath at Google lab, various
objective of this scheme is to foster teaching and learning strategies are
curiosity, creativity, and imagination in practiced. Students enriched with these
young minds.
technologies and software, practiced at Atal
tinkering with use of various sensors and
3D printer they prepare various models
by their own.
This lab is a good platform for
creating innovating and exploring things
for the children. The cost of this lab is 12
lakhs which provides more tinkering
Teaching through technology :
Visual learning helps for the
long-term memory of the students. The
problem of re-iteration and retention of
concepts was also an issue especially
keeping our children who are in B and C
grades. By using the three labs various
Integration of 3 labs :
software animated movies motivational
Children will learn the concepts of videos subject expert lessons are shown
physical like "Building blocks" and stem to the children for more enhanced
models in robotics lab. Working principles personalised learning experiences.
of mechanics, simple electric circuits as
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 23