Page 36 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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• Students B. Souumya,
M Sandeep, G Satvik,
M Poojitha, T Ganesh Got
Major Learning appreciation certificates from
During the process of school Director of school education
transformation there were some learnings Telangana for the techno vision.
that we observed based on few outcomes • The google lab initiative was
are results in this process they are highly appreciated by all
documented below :
leading news channels and
• Technological innovation helps news papers covering
the students to accelerate their importance of google lab in
academic growth academic performances.
• Leadership qualities were
imparted in the high report kits
• Teacher and student
relationship strengthen because
of mentorship
• Students participates
Innovation bootcamps, and
National and international
competitions like Bebras
24 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs