Page 93 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 93
Name of the Head Master : K. Usha Sree
School Name : MPPS Mallepally, Kondapur
District : Sangareddy
Phone Number : 9866031646
E-Mail ID :
"I was always worried looking at the backward in education, development and
students in the school who can't speak livelihood. Even the quality of education
proper English about how can they face that they get was very low before Usha
the competitive world outside. This Sree, Head Mistress of the school. As the
thought motivated me to push my limits parents are completely illiterate, they could
to let the beautiful story on mallepally not check their kids learning.
come out". Vision & Mission
School History
"The vision of the school is to make
Mallepally is a village in Kondapur every student in the class prepare for the
Mandal, Sangareddy District. There are world outside by improving their
communication skills and a command
total 142 students studying in the classes
over English fluency so that they can
1-5. While most of the students belong to
withstand any challenge that they face in
low income families or below poverty line,
the competitive world outside".
their parents are working as laborers or
"To achieve the vision outside, the
blue color workers in the companies that
mission is to make the students learn the
are situated in and around the village.
English in a very creative and play way
Having located far to the city method so that the students won't find it
suburban, Mallepally is completely difficult to learn and understand as well".
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 81